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Our Schedule
Hours of Operation 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
*Sample Schedule (Schedules vary according to each classroom)
8:00-9:00 Greeting/Breakfast/Open Classroom Activities

Children and families are greeted upon entering the space and sign themselves in. Self-directed areas of play are set up around the space, allowing children to choose activities independently and acclimate to the school day.


9:00-9:30 Housekeeping and Morning Circle

After working together to tidy the classroom, children gather with the teacher to discuss the day ahead. The daily Morning Circle includes topics such as the day of the week and current weather, as well as providing each child the opportunity to identify and discuss their current emotions in order to encourage an open dialogue surrounding each child’s respective thoughts and feelings.


9:30-10:30 Morning Work Time

Children engage in self-directed projects either individually, or as a group. Projects and individual work may occur in any of the various centers which include: Art Studio, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Music and Movement, Reading and Literacy, Science and Collections, and Math and Manipulative.


10:30-11:30 Movement Activities

Children are given the opportunity to move about and exercise. Choices between yoga, dancing, jumping, and other gross motor activities provide children the opportunity to develop coordination, balance, and large muscle control.


11:30-11:45 Reflection and Sharing Circle

Children gather to discuss the day so far, share their work, and discuss group activities. This time also provides another opportunity for an emotional check-in, allowing the teacher further insight into the day’s activities.


11:45-12:25 Lunch Preparation and Lunch

Children wash hands and bring lunch boxes to the table. This time provides children the opportunity to socialize and practice their table manners.


12:25-12:45 Nap Preparation/Rest Time Stories

Children use the bathroom and gather for a pre-rest story time. After a short story, children make their way quietly to their mats for Naptime.


12:30-3:00 Rest/Quiet Activities

Napping children rest on their mats, while children who require less rest time engage in quiet activities with the teacher.  


1:30-3:00 Inside Free Choice/Skill Classes

After rest, the children may choose another activity inside the classroom. This time may also be used for a specialized Skill Class, such as Gardening, Cooking, or Photography.


3:00-3:30 Housekeeping/Wash Hands/Group Snack

After tidying the room, the children wash hands and enjoy a healthy snack together.


3:30-4:00 Afternoon Work Time

Children are once again offered the opportunity to work on individual or group projects that they began earlier in the day.


4:00-4:15 Final Circle/Stories/Songs

The class gathers with the teacher for a final time to discuss the events of the day. Children discuss what they liked and disliked about the day, as well as their hopes for tomorrow. The teacher may direct a story or song, depending on the interests of the children.


4:15-4:45 Movement Activities

Another opportunity to develop gross motor skills.


4:45-5:30 Open Classroom Activities

Similar to the morning, children choose activities to help prepare them for the end of the day.

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